The Prudent Ox Economics and Financial Blog

Common-sense thoughts on the US and global economies, gold, silver, commodities, interest rates, the Federal Reserve, foreign currencies, and government policy decisions that affect the markets.

Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

SNL Obama-Hu skit speaks volumes about US debt problem

I was at a friend's house Saturday night, talking about business and life when SNL came on the TV. I don't watch much television, so we took a break from the conversation and watched one of the skits.

I remember SNL from the 70s and 80s when Bill Murray, John Belushi, Dan Akroyd and Eddie Murphy were cast members. Maybe it was because I was growing up and didn't pay that much attention to politics, but I never remembered SNL being really political.

However, I was taken aback when I saw this skit that showed Chinese Prime Minister Jintao Hu accusing President Obama of being a liar and trying to screw him and his country with the enormous debt that the United States owes China.

It was funny when the actor playing Prime Minister Hu said: "Why you not kiss me before you do sex to me?"

If Saturday Night Live realizes the American debt problem is this big and virtually unmanageable, I'm pretty sure that China and every other nation-state on the planet understands this as well. Under George W. Bush, it was apparent that the federal government had no intention of being fiscally responsible or getting close to a balanced budget.

Under President Obama, it's doubly apparent that the political inmates (Republican, Democrat and Tea Partiers alike) are running the asylum and want to do what's politically in their self-interest, instead of what's in the best interest of American citizens.

Even if Benny and the Feds don't "officially" implement QE3, it looks certain they'll continue to print large sums of money to try and inflate their way out of this debt problem and keep the economic party going as long as possible. Based on this SNL skit, it looks like the credit/debt/currency keg is just about dry - and the party's almost over.

Got gold and silver?

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